read it again filip, I said nothing of a sort

and theatres don't sell movie posters. If they did, it wouldn't contribute one penny to movie poster dealers as all the money would be going to the corporations that own teh theatres.

At 10:08 PM 2/13/2015, filip de volder wrote:
so you mean that the majority of movie poster collectors do so as an investment ? that's not a reality , that's just something you come up with based on nothing (and you should not deny it) ... the so called investment posters are probably less then 1% of all movie posters sold worldwide that goes for any collecting field really , comic books , vinyl records , 99% are being bought by collectors , not by investors . you seem to have quite some distorted view there although your own business reality should prove you wrong , all those belgian posters at 1$ , common recent one sheets etc you sell can not be bought as an investment really ?

as for the "few places to buy movie posters" , am i wrong or are there 40.000 movie theaters in the usa ?

Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 14:41:39 -0800
Subject: Re: [MOPO] How MoPo has changed!

not so sure about that Dave. Of course the fact that there are few places to buy movie posters may be one factor, but I got my first movie posters when I was maybe 10 and I know that when I was 11 I bought lots of them (some I still have)

I think the reality is that the poster hobby has changed considerably from a nostalgiac appreciation to a a sideshow of a memory. at the same time, the missing apparatus of "posters as a true investment vehicle" doesn't do anything to help because we all know that when people buy physical property they generally expect it to increase in value. That much of the material has a deteriorating value is anathema to that interest and creates a real turn-off to prospective buyers.

I wish it were different, but reality is what it is and there is no need for me or anyone else to deny it

At 09:43 PM 2/12/2015, David Rew wrote:
But Rich, you always say the same thing so succinctly and interestingly...I just luv hearing it!

I think we would all agree collecting movie posters is a very very small hobby in comparison to comic book collecting and although I don't know much about collecting comic books, I suspect vintage poster collecting as a 'serious' hobby is a much younger one too. After all many collectors would enter the comic collecting at a far younger age whereas perhaps a large portion of movie poster collectors come into it in their 30s and 40s when they are reliving the movies of their youth/teens, and have a more disposable income?


David Rew
[mob] 0402 925 158

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