I got lucky this year in that the SAG, PGA, WGA and DGA guild nominations 
guided my choices of what to see before today's Oscar noms.  I agree that 
ARRIVAL came out of the blue and socked me in the gut, e.g., sort of like "The 
Sixth Sense" in that all the clues were laid out - yet I was still blown away 
by its ending, never saw it coming.  It asks important questions about your own 
life, a real mind-bender.  I also agree Amy Adams was robbed.  She and Michelle 
Williams are among the most underrated actresses who keep getting nominated - 
but who also keep losing.  In the most overrated category, a.k.a., a film you 
must love because you're supposed to, it would have to be "Fences" for me.  I 
love Viola and Denzel as always - but Denzel chewed the scenery and it felt 
like he didn't cut a thing for this adaptation, which resulted in a film that 
was like the stage version - long and talky and stuffed - just shot outside and 
on a couple of sets.  Meanwhile, "La La Land" screams for a show-stopping 
number or numbers given the homage it's supposed to be - but they never landed 
for me, despite my admiration for Damien Chazelle, who seems a lock regardless 
to win. - d.

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Toochis Morin 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: AA Nominations

Very cool noms.  I think ARRIVAL was the best script along with DEADPOOL (which 
didn't get nominated).  Amy Adams was robbed.

I LOVED THE LOBSTER and of Colin was robbed as well.

Happy about the other nominations otherwise.
Ryan Gosling is amazing in LA LA LAND.


From: Principal Archivist <archiv...@swanarchives.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] AA Nominations

Yes.  Except "best song."

On Jan 24, 2017, at 6:17 PM, Michael Greenwood 
<newswan...@hotmail.com<mailto:newswan...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

In a near-perfect world, The Lobster sweeps all categories.

Oh well...


From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@listserv.american.edu>> on behalf 
of David Kusumoto 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 8:10 PM
To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] AA Nominations

I agree.  "La La Land" is likely to win the big prize, and it was impressive 
when I saw it on the Cinerama Dome last month - but none of its original tunes 
have "classic" written all over 'em, such as you'd find in many Broadway or 
Disney animated musicals.  And I don't get its nom for best original 
screenplay.  To me the best written script was "Manchester by the Sea."

Looking over the selections - this is the first time in my LIFE - that I have 
seen all nine Best Pic nominees before TODAY.  Subjective rankings:

Likely favorites to win Best Picture:
1. La La Land
2. Moonlight
3. Hidden Figures
4. Manchester by the Sea
5. Arrival
6. Lion
7. Hell or High Water
8. Fences
9. Hacksaw Ridge

The films I liked the most among the Best Picture noms:
1. Manchester by the Sea
2. Arrival
3. La La Land
4. Hidden Figures
5. Hacksaw Ridge
6. Moonlight
7. Hell or High Water
8. Lion
9. Fences

Have to add that although constructed in a conventionally formulaic and 
self-aware way, "Hidden Figures" was for me the most crowd pleasing / enjoyable 
of all the movies nominated for Best Picture, followed by "La La Land."  
"Manchester" was the most depressing to many patrons - (but not to me) - yet 
it's gifted with some of the best writing and acting of the year, esp. Casey 
Affleck, who plays with a quiet self-hatred that's volcanic.  Watching it, I 
felt the air go out of the audience at the end, but to me, it's not a bad 
ending.  For me, NONE of the films nominated for the top prize this year are 
dogs.  They're all good.  (Although I wouldn't have minded to see Michael 
Keaton's evil portrayal in "The Founder" slip in there.)  And FWIW, if the Best 
Director noms remain an a signal of Best Picture odds - (in recent years they 
have not) - then the choices are limited to "La La Land," "Moonlight," 
"Arrival," "Manchester by the Sea" and "Hacksaw Ridge."  "Hacksaw," BTW, plays 
out like a sentimental William Wyler film with a lot of "Private Ryan" carnage; 
excellent craftsmanship but I thought Mel Gibson's pariah status in Hollywood 
would shut him out.  "Arrival" is slow but has a mind-bending, 
out-of-this-world payoff - and "Moonlight" is heartbreakingly vivid in its 
portrayal of bullying, gay self-identity and its relationship to the ethos of 
masculinity among young black men.  All good selections. - d.

From: MoPo List 
<mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:mopo-l@listserv.american.edu>> on behalf 
of Doug Taylor <douglasbtay...@hotmail.com<mailto:douglasbtay...@hotmail.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 9:36 AM
To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU<mailto:MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu>
Subject: AA Nominations

Well, let the Hollywood self-gratification begin.

La La Land (14 nominations) was enjoyable and fun, but we all know that any 
film that glorifies "the business" (see entries The Artist, Argo) is a 
rock-solid lock to be celebrated whether it was the "best" entry or not.


Doug Taylor

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