very cool..toochis wold likeit i bet...years ago both portal and also personalitie andthe german co postr art publications dod posters with collages..andi carried them,,the otherdywhy rootingaround i ounda originalportal header display fora posterdump i thought maybe i should make copies frpeopleto se what titles weremade..they was aslos celestial arts, ira roberts in bev hills..personality, PO flake michael Savageu whoi thinkk sold out to Movie Galleryineast meadow,0martylifshultz...also MPR inytc fishmsn..andthe contless euro dealers andprinters..initaly,, canada,France, netherlands, Germany.belgium, japan andotherplaces..therwas a slew fthem...wheni am asked whybeside origiinals i sell reprinds alongside...i tell this story...wheni started i thought movie were about sharing..i never liekd snobbish collectors or dealers,,that made itexclusive or were a "closed club" onlythein crowd could get in.....also demographics,,wheni started in1977 inToledo I had done mail order 1st andhad die hard collectors thatwanted eclectic stuff like herb Bridges who was a authouand collectorofGWTW..howeverythe r was notenoughtlocalas thatwanted 600.0posters so i offred the portals and stills and buttons, postcards you name it i had about 200posterondisplay inracks andononesheet boards..the average was under 2.00 i alsocarried music,theater, andpopculture posters ofthe time..likedargi,funky,scorpio,manymany makers actually therwas morelike5000 poster on comic ,books, i had a full room ofback issues likelife and more and evensomegirlies..andthenhardware likeprojectors,models japam animonster stuff..props,sweaords costumes. specialeffects, and vintage cinemanand pre iwas over100 years of movie all ina small i had warehouse andas you know later i had 100,00 video movie posters andthenalso myproducts,tshirts..andfullsize props andtoys...iveposted somepics on myfaceook but there is so much history we did inthe42 years...ive started toforget some...but theidea was i liked it beingavailible toall ages andincomes bec i was broughtup verypoor and didnt havethe money to buy collector stuff,,i remeber the 1.98 fora autoa model was out of reach..c somehow i gota few and a few comics but 1st guitar was 29.00 butmy loveofart,music and mi\vies and show biz grew..andthat why wheni opend the retail shop upI wantedto include everyone not just theprudish moies aare a shared event justas music....the beatles didnsay ok only 100k andover sit here..although lennononce quipped ok those with the jewely just jangle your diamonds....LOL:)I was looking at a stack ofold premires magazine from the 80s...i could not throw them out so i saved the unsold copies..I advertised in Premire in the back,,,,the mags are beautiful but we had to cut them as the ad off as proof they wher unsold and get credit,,they even had like baseball card movie posters in them...verycool pics...and size ofa life mag,,I figure i can sell them on ebay as SCRaPBOOK material for movie its fun to just enjoy movies as a group share to me...heck ifi had so much money ther are onlya few i like and a reprint is its a wonderful life....i also like the serious collectors who are archivist as they save Hollywoods History so i get it and its all cool...just dont like to leave anyone out... whats funny is i have many things i bought back inthe 70s still....anduncover them in storage many were my personal collection of memories ofstuff and some was stuff i stoced up on as speculation and some i jus never got around to selling..LOL:) 42 years later,,its time to get in gear,,

On 2018-05-06 20:43, Tom Pennock wrote:
Cool Pressbook Collage

--Tom Pennock

 In a message dated 5/6/2018 8:31:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

how cool is this? I picked this up in an antique store!/bogart-collage/p/105647929/category=0


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