lesson Number 22 for flip me over aka..flipwilson...

Adam west told meina phone conversationoneofthe best answersi ever heard...ihad sold hisbook,back tothe batcave for2-.06..Iadvertisedinalltheright places.,,takingout fullpage color ads.inBaby boometrr mag.cvomice buyers guide,.andothers,, butwe maybesold like100copies.... I had great art,copie thepricewas right...myexwifesaid why areyou refusingtogiveup??Adasad,,_tellher youare exercising...as ina way I was ai was learning by experience... thenI said Adam, i dont feel worthyuii should quitas ihave no idea whatievendod wrong...Adam inhislong experienceinshow biz and wisdon said-Tom what you need to learn isNObody knows whattheyaredoing...we all justtry..andknowbody knows nothing.... thatwas so powereful..here was mys\childhood hero,,,whowas onthecoverlife magazine..andhad a hitTVshow..tell menottogiveupandtojust keeptryinglikehe did...hesaidthankYou Tom andkeep going
he also Told a mall manage "Toms ideas sound Crazy but they work !!!!

One artist i reppeded said=He doesnt know what hes notsupposedto beabletodosohe does it anyway....

fact is i understandthati may lose not reachthetarget..etc...they sayinthe airforce iftheplanes stillintheair thereis Hope...mostpeoples livesareinlimbo..orhave beenshattered orsetbacks.,...theonlything we haveto base anythingonisif we are honest withourselves,ourcustomers,clients..andGod.. sometimesi make mistakes...but thatis howilearnedthewrongwaystodothings...tyheni repeatandtryto repairmyerrorsanddoittherightway....ifi messupaorderi try tocorrectmy failing...instead of runawayorhide..responcibility is admision we canmake mistakes andtrying togetbetter,,physical limitsareveryhard..likeifyou cantwalk orsee orhear,,ordophyical stuff..mentalissues are alsocommon as Ptsd, trauma.a deathinfamily tendto causehavok.....we cangiveup..andgohide orwe cantryagainandget backbest we canonthehortse,,,noob\ne anywheresauysitseasy..and we canfalloffandnever getback on... but the best teachersive had told meto just keep trying...and so you read my emailcorrect as mostofwhat we do inlife isa crapshoot....ech foodyoueatorifyouflew ona737max..itwas all acrtapshoot,theinternet,phones..lithiumbateries..cars,,medical...howevgerthere seemstobea ultimate purpose toitallifyouebelieveGod isincontrolwhichI do sointhat way..someone knows everything..._God..but people Humans...we are a confused lot who relies on logic and not Love....as love is the key and answer to everything imhobut what do i know....LOL:)have a great sunday FlippY Moroder
run Bunny Run

On 2019-03-17 16:12, filip de volder wrote:
Channing is open to learning and he just learned that it’s all a
crapshoot ?

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FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tom Martin
 SENT: Sunday, March 17, 2019 8:29:04 PM
 SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Quick question for MOPO users who sell on EBAY

great question channing...ive beenon ebay since jan 14 1999

 and my opinion is,,,everything is a crapshoot...there is no ryme or
 reason...ive sold stuff by complete luck and other stuff that was to
 a no lose proposition never sold......go figure

 so i think many just park it at set price with make offer and hope
 is interest...
 The days of actions seem to be gone as people either want it or dont

 .....if its a great item some will battle it out....and in that
 consider Pay days..or 1st of month as when they are stoked..the othe
 factors...tax refunds..
 However if a major news event or political,.,or stock market
 change,world disaster,,it can upset the apple cart.

 so back to my initial statement
 I dont know what the heck is going on :)

 ..its the luck of the draw..

 I just hope somone will buy something and keep planting
 seed..experiement like think 90 percent of all business is done

 .we all just try...most that talk to that are honest...try all kinds
 ideas..some work some dont....there seems to be no time better then
 ...samewith buying..i use my own lkes but then Im geting old and

 .so some stuff no onc wants about as the younger ones have different

 but just keep doing what you do you are a good person, Honest and
 others well that's
 never gets old...keep up the good work Channing !!!

 all the best and keep up the good work

 also the fact you asked means you are open to learning we all need to

 constand modify the sails with the winds....isnt thatallwe doinall

 may the force be with You
 Live long and prosper
 and God bless, Tom

 On 2019-03-17 14:03, Channing Thomson wrote:
 > I was wondering what people think is the best day or time for
 > auctions on EBAY for movie memorabilia.
 > Thanks, channing
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