hello Martin
- there seems to be a flurry of recent ewed interest in Hollywood's early years..Ive noticed a few new books being put out Like Mark viera's

"Forbidden Hollywood- with Turner
 I found this on the exhibit and it seems to recall the same formulas...

"What Price Hollywood?" at the MOMA, New York


I would suggest in conjunction with the MOMa event,You factor ina visit tothe Cinevent in Columbus on memorial day...the dates co-inside

you can meet many Film  movie buffs..

they even show many old films there at the wexner center
actually purchase loads of memorabilia..anda flight coiuld bepiggy backed in very reasonable onc eyou are in the staes..

another Friend Paul Gielicki at the cine nuseum justup IN Michigan has restored various silent films of Fatty arbuckle and Mack sennet andjust announced new Projects with Kevin Brownlow fromtheUK

John Kisch did a wonderful new book a revised "separate cinema" on all the black movie posters itsa Huge coffee table book,,with Forward by Henry Louis Keys of the PBS tve show knowing your Roots..and Spike Lee wrote the afterward..

I suggest if you don't have itt get classic Images as it will network youwitha whos who of Memorabilia..I saw that they mentioned Louise Brooks material one of my local friends who writes children Books since the 60s Janwahl knew Louise and was mentioned in the last book..he had lettersandall kindsof stuff

I bought a collection of "what ever became" of Books and many dealing with the passing of old starts.thier graves, and history and old stanby
s like Hollywood
I even have some of the Hollywood cematary's broshures...

Babylon....that cover much of the rumors and old schoolTRivia...Id loveto offer somepackage deals if you like awesome old material onwhatever becameof Lamparski series books,,,,I think I have one RKO book left onthe history of the studio..

I also have movie magazines from all eras from 1913 on up....tell me your interests...and i'll find something...also.,,,Laura Wagner writes about all eras is a great resource...she chronical's daily who has passed..woody wise has somegreat material ontheweb of art .posters history....

Bruce hershenson always has great paper...
The Cineven May have Morrie there and that's always a great source.....Plus even REEL art in Chicago is offering a blow out sale of tonsof old Movie paper...Chicago is just 300 miles from Columbus and13 hours or 500 fromNYC...you can even take trains...

what else??? afteryou see moma..go see the Museum ofthe moving Image inastoria New York...

so nyc is always fun,then columbus,perhaps chicago...and pick up a classic images Bob king will send you a FREE sample to wet your appetite ..

and by the way you are crazy but so are the rest of us
You will be welcomed with Open arms at cinevent..

that want to hear about the old days of Hollywood and its pioneers...and so Cinevent islikea place fortheInsane to gatherandohhoverImages andpaper history..thisis event 51 year !! so hope that helps...

while in NYC be sure to visit Sam Sarowitz and staff at posteratit...and the great small shops..and if i know what you like perhaps i can make you a deal on a lot as the shipping may be cheaper if you buy in usa and ship a box vs by mail......

by the way,,cool name:}

kindest regards, Tom
Hollywood dream factory®

On 2019-03-30 05:53, martin last wrote:
Have any early birds seen this exhibition yet? If so, what did you
think of it?

I'm interested because I've got the crazy idea of flying from Zurich
to New York to see it and a couple of other exhibitions.


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