Hello Mopo,

my new update with 120 international movie posters is now online.

As always, the update offers a colorful mix: My personal favorites are an 
original German program for METROPOLIS from 1927, a fantastic US Onesheet for 
Shirley Temple's WEE WILLIE WINKIE, and an extremely rare US Advance Onesheet 
for THE STRAWBERRY STATEMENT (a somewhat crude movie, but an amazing poster.) 
Also: Various offers for BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S, including the rare original 
release German poster and a lot of seven US Lobby Cards, an original German 
SUNSET BOULEVARD, an extremely rare Italian yellow locandina for BLOW-UP, a 
large French LE MANS, all three US posters for STAR WARS - THE EMPIRE STRIKES 
BACK and much more.

As always, the new additions are listed in no specific order and the complete 
list can be seen at:


My best wishes,

Helmut Hamm
Galerie filmposter.net <http://filmposter.net/>

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