Hello All -

So here's the deal... My landlord is going to kill me when he sees the two
holes I put in the wall to hang a beautiful frame Sue Heim made for me. I
like to swap out posters and rehang the frame.

I wanted to enjoy a poster I recently won from Bruce's auction. (Getting
all my plugs in!) It fit the frame perfectly. I was so happy. But my
happiness was short-lived. Unfortunately this last time I rehung the frame
it was too much for the wall. The two holes got a little bigger and the
nails wouldn't hold.  I absolutely can't bang more holes in this 1950's era
wall. (Or use screws!)

What do you do to hang posters that will prevent damage to the sheet rock?
I'd like to continue to swap out posters so I can enjoy my collection.

Thanks in advance!


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