well...seems like it fits the times..so much is crazy ontheplanet nothing shocks me..

what was the point?? to alertitwas gone?? i dont getit

well Happy labor day folks

Hollywood  Dream  Factory®
since 1977

On 2020-09-06 17:41, Todd wrote:
Looks like some troll spamming bullshit by someone who can't even
speak English.

 There are many misspellings and improper sentence structure.

 Here is just one example:

 _There is email was reactivated for transmission of this message._

 _I wouldn't even bother wasting any time on this as I've already
wasted enough._



FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of David
Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>
 SENT: Sunday, September 6, 2020 5:28 PM
 SUBJECT: [MOPO] Mystery email about alleged destruction of

 Today I (and apparently 72 others, including some MoPo members)
received the unsolicited email below (personal email addresses
redacted for privacy). It appears to be some type of legal message
about the destruction of memorabilia linked to entities dissolved 20
years ago. Why it was sent today is a mystery and I've no time to
investigate it. If anyone cares to venture a guess, please jump in.
Very cryptic, odd. - d.


FROM: Film International <international_film_archi...@yahoo.com>
 SENT: Sunday, September 6, 2020, 11:28 AM
 SUBJECT: Close Out

IFA est. 1967
 CCMPRL est. 1963
 CCMPRI est. 1963
 Cinecommcentre est. 1964
 Paramount Theatre est 1960
 Cinema70 est 1993
 ceased operations on: Jul 4, 2000 at 5:48 PM EDT

 All files and paper materials were shredded and/or disposed of by
conventional means.
 All restored 35mm flat, widescreen,Cinerama,and Cinemiracle prints
 for silver content.
 All 70mm standard and anamorphic prints similarly disposed of.
 All projectors, moviolas, editing items, telecines, 35mm/70mm camera
and projection lenses
 where scrap salvaged.
 No items were allocated for auctions at Sotherby, Christie, or
 No items were oggered for bids or direct sale on Ebay.

 There is email was reactivated for transmission of this message.
 It will not accept replies

 Thank you,

 Owain Donaldson
 former Curator and Cine Reconstructionist

 12:55 09/06/20


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