Re. Beanie Babies: I remember an ebay listing for a bulk lot of Beanie Babies going viral at some point. That must‘ve been at the hight of BB craze: The guy had simply photographed the lot, and his description read something like: ‚These belonged to my wife. Thankfully she‘s gone, and now these have to go as well. And the money they bring will be spent on TOOLS and BEER.‘ With all the fakes out there, people were desperate to ‚authenticate‘ what he had, but he absolutely refused, stating things like ‚having better things to do than look some stuffed critters in the ass‘. Upon this, they accused him of being a scammer and things went crazy. At some point, the story went viral, ending up in social media and if I remember correctly, it even showed up on TV. The ebay screenshot I saw had somewhat over a million views.
Re. Bruce/ Retirement: Being self-employed, I have obviously pondered over eventual retirement as well. At this point, I don‘t really see it happen for myself and the current plan is to work until I drop dead at my desk. 
Frankly, I can‘t see Bruce going into retirement. All the work aside, our job is simply TOO MUCH FUN to ever give it up.
Needless to say, I am totally stressed out most of the time, but I still keep finding AMAZING posters I have never seen before. (A number of them will be published in my next update this month.) This alone makes up for a lot of the daily aggravation. And of course  the money is pretty good as well.
A good portion of my sales (and my profits) comes from low-end items, but looking forward, I would certainly like to downsize that part of my inventory step by step. On the other hand, the percentage on the low-end material is so much higher, of course...

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