*eMoviePoster.com has 1,038 bulk lots containing 35,412 items in all at
auction ending in just a few HOURS
at http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html>, beginning at 3 PM CST (NOT
at 7 PM like our Tuesday and Thursday auctions). Please look these over
VERY soon, because you will likely thank me later!IF YOU THINK THESE BULK
NOT DECEIVING YOU! That's because we are being a LOT harsher on what
qualifies for single auctions, so these bulk lots now OFTEN contain items
you USED to see as single auction items!AND WE EVEN HAVE BULK LOTS OF
LINENBACKING ALONE!As of right now, I can see that the high bidders on most
of these are dealers who will be re-selling them (and nothing wrong with
that!), but certainly those of you who are collectors should be looking
those especially closely since almost all of them are all absolutely at
wholesale prices (or below!).With a few HOURS to go, a STAGGERING 326 of
these lots are at just $1 to $10 (per LOT, not per item, and some contain
hundreds of items in a single lot!), and 559 (just under HALF of all the
auctions!) are at just $1 to $20, and the ones over just $20 each are
almost all currently at FAR under low wholesale prices.Remember there are
NO buyers premiums, so $1 is REALLY $1, and NOT "$1, plus an obscene $29
buyers premium", and you pay only the actual cost of shipping them to you
(plus $4 for packing materials, per tube or box) and we WILL combine your
purchases into as few packages or tubes as possible!Unlike most sellers of
bulk lots, we at eMoviePoster.com almost always picture EVERY single item
in every bulk lot, so you always know exactly what you will be receiving,
and just how great a deal each bulk lot is at the price you pay!But if YOU
want to take advantage of these unbelievably low-priced bulk lots, then you
need to visit the above link well before they begin closing TODAY at 3 PM
CST, because it takes a while to look at 35,178 items in 1,188 lots!And if
you ARE a dealer buying these for resale, know that we always offer the
buyer of any auction (on request only) unwatermarked versions of the images
of what they won (but ONLY to the high bidder).This means dealers can save
a ton of time re-using our images (especially important with bulk lots,
which take forever to photograph)! And the same is true for buyers who are
collectors who just want images of what they won for their computer or
their website!Best of luck if you bid on any of these bulk lots ending in
hours!  I just glanced over all the items, and I saw a LOT that would be
unbelievable buys at the current high bid prices!I could go on and on about
them, but if you simply go right now
to http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html>, seeing the many quality
items combined with crazy low prices will "sell" these to you better than
anything I could write!*


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