Hi Mark,

Wonderful!  I have KNOTS packed away somewhere, and 
have forgotten hows insightful was Laing.  I bet you are 
a good dancer...  

Who are you cooking for?  I have a cousin coming to visit 
from Michigan next week so I just assembled two small 
lasagnas.  I was once an excellent cook, but don't do 
much fancy cooking anymore.  It's not so much fun 
cooking for one.  


On Oct 24, 2010, at 12:45 AM, 118 wrote:

> Hey Marsha,
> Does this sound familiar to you (him and her are interchangeable)?  Cheers,
> Mark
> There must be something the matter with him
> because he would not be acting as he does
> unless there was
> therefore he is acting as he is
> because there is something the matter with him
> He does not think there is anything the matter with him
> because
> one of the things that is
> the matter with him
> is that he does not think that there is anything
> the matter with him
> therefore
> we have to help him realize that,
> the fact that he does not think there is anything
> the matter with him
> is one of the things that is
> the matter with him
> there is something the matter with him
> because he thinks
> there must be something the matter with us
> for trying to help him to see
> that there must be something the matter with him
> to think that there is something the matter with us
> for trying to help him to see that
> we are helping him
> to see that
> we are not persecuting him
> by helping him
> to see we are not persecuting him
> by helping him
> to see that
> he is refusing to see
> that there is something the matter with
> him
> for not seing there is something the matter
> with him
> for not being grateful to us
> for at least trying to help him
> to see that there is something the matter with him
> for not seeing that must be something the
> matter with him
> for not seeing that there must be something the
> matter with him
> for not seeing that there is something the
> matter with him
> for not seeing that there is something the
> matter with him
> for not being grateful
> that we never tried to make him
> feel grateful
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