Hi Arlo and All,

I guess you found DQ/SQ!  IMHO Its worth a fight!


On 7/17/13 12:17 PM, "ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR" <ajb...@psu.edu> wrote:

> In other words, its not intellectual level that's generating angst among
> students, its the social/cultural/economic foundations to intellectual level
> that are generating the angst. But you know, I almost would relish a world
> where the challenges of philosophy and art where the things generating anxiety
> among the population. Imagine our entire student population expressing genuine
> angst over a 'crisis' in philosophy! Imagine coffee shops full of students in
> animated and heated discussions over a recent philosophy that reorders the
> world in terms of value! Imagine walking into a student union and asking what
> all the commotion was and being told "everyone has angst over the this latest
> non-Euclidian model and what it means for whether they exist or not!"... Ah,
> yes, that would be education driven angst, and it would be something to
> behold...

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