John, when you say "LS" you mean the Google Group called Lila Squad or
another site (one of many blog & forum attempts with the Lila Squad
name) ?

So far as I can see the LSGG is same old same old - Bo calling
everyone SOMists and Platt egging him on with anti-democratic rants ?
That plus resurrection of 200 year old philosophic problems long since
solved, and a lot of unfiltered spam. (Surprisingly I've tried to
r-engage Bo a few times in the last couple of years, but all he ever
does is hurl ignorant insults.)

Anyway, incidentally after posting on only a handful of threads on MD
in the last couple of years I too was heard to remark in December on
seeing a Marsha conversation with Dan that "it was great to be
reminded of why I remained subscribed to MD".

Sadly very few people on any related discussion site actually listen
to any post 1980's contributions. Each finds a refuge on which to
argue their own points on their own terms - as if antagonism was the
point of the exercise.Twas ever thus.

I've concluded editorially managed channels are the only hope for
constructive progress, and there are plenty of those around.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 7:32 PM, John Carl <> wrote:
> I had applied to Horse and was waiting for news of acceptance for about a
> week, when I finally noticed an old filter over on the sidebar of gmail,
> that I remembered setting up to keep MD out of my in box and in it's own
> category.  Oops.
> I was sorry to hear about Marsha.  I'd been missing Marsha was one reason I
> came back to MD.  We never hear from Marsha at LS, she doesn't adulterate
> at all where even horse popped his head over the door occasionally.  Which
> I encourage others to join.  I think a two-fold approach is a good idea,
> one classic, one romantic and it would keep silly nonesense in one sphere
> and solid discussion in another.  People could choose to their mood and not
> have the wrong stuff foisted on 'em.  And I always hoped Marsha would join
> over there.  Isn't Lila her model and mode?
> But oh well.  People rarely listen to my advice and the longer they know
> me, the less likely they are to take it So I can't complain.   I'm glad to
> be back anyway and hoping for more cordial relations with all.  I was
> heavily influenced by a passage in a
> book<>I
> recently read,  that described an interaction between John Dewey and
> Jane
> Addams wherein Addams convinced Dewey of her belief that antagonism is,
> metaphysically speaking,  illusory.
> I thought about that a bit and I realized I really liked the idea.  Who
> wouldn't want to live in a world without antagonism?  So I'm going to
> commit myself to that idea and see if I can't be more productive in my
> interactions.  A new year's resolution, if you will.
> John
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