Hi T-REXX Techs.

In trying to stabilize a vocabulary for levels in existence "conscious and
unconscious" can only be sorted out through definition metaphysically not
physical definition.

Metaphysically unconsciousness is not a statement of awareness, but a state
of being like death.  How to describe the undead quality in consciousness is
a metaphysical chore.  "Quality" for centuries was considered an adjective.
MOQ raises quality's status to a noun, causing a great amount of insecurity.
I prefer to see Quality as an adjective along with Quantity.


On 4/12/14 1:37 PM, "T-REXX Techs" <trexxte...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> Pirsig?s claim that computers run
> on Liebniz?s binary code, which works through a series of zeros and ones is
> not helpful. Does he actually think that computers run on concepts? There
> are no zeros in a computer but rather a series of electrical ?holders? that
> are either electronically switched on or off. Humans simply describe this in
> terms of zeros or ones. Again, this description is subjective.
>> Once this is understood, all of Pirsig?s philosophy falls apart.

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