One can estimate the positions of missing landmarks using 'estimate.missing' in 
geomorph. The help file points you to the correct literature to cite for the 
method, describes the two approaches we implement, and provides examples.


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From: 'Babette Weller' via Morphmet <>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 7:47:13 AM
To: Morphmet <>
Subject: [MORPHMET2] 3D WARP analysis

Dear all,

I'm currently working on a morphometrics project: I've landmarked about 40 
rodent skulls in a 3D view with a total of 23 landmarks. I want to make a 
correlation between skull shape and diet and want to use WARP to analyse and 
visualize. Some skulls aren't completely preserved (parts are missing), 
therefore I have to exclude some landmarks in only certain skulls (not a 
certain landmark in all skulls).

I have now used the software MorphoDig, but this software doesn't have the 
option to exclude some landmarks in only some skulls.

My question is: what software/programs can I use to landmark my skulls, exclude 
some landmarks that I cannot place correctly, and perform a 3D WARP analysis?

If you need any more information, please let me know!

Best regards,

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