Dear all,

I have been awarded some funding from my department at Liverpool John
Moores University for a fully-funded PhD studentship and I’m looking for
good candidates.  The project is looking into the morphological effects of
hybridisation in non-human primates (macaques and baboons) as part of my
wider collaboration aiming to better understand hominin hybridisation:

The nature and importance of patterns of skeletal morphology in non-human
primate hybrids.
/ Search for a PhD Scholarship | Liverpool John Moores University

Sadly, the funding available means that the student has to be eligible for
home fees in the UK, the deadline is very short (4th Dec, 12pm), and the
student needs to be able to start in February!  I’m very happy to answer
any queries, so please get in touch / pass on my work email address ( as necessary.  Please forward this to anyone else you
can think of who might be interested.

Many thanks and best wishes,


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