Hi everyone,

here is a good job opportunity for someone who would like to develop an own
research initiative over a longer period of time. The maximum term for
employment is six years as per university regulations. See text below!

Prof. Dr. Alexander Blanke
Phone: +49 (0) 228 *73 5130*

Bonn Institute for Organismic Biology
An der Immenburg 1
53121 Bonn

*Job Announcement*
*Scientific staff (f/m/d) at the Bonn Institute for Organismic Biology
(BIOB), workgroup Blanke*

Research at the Bonn Institute for Organismic Biology aims to increase our
understanding of the phenotype of plants and animals, with the workgroup of
Prof. Blanke focusing on form-function relationships in animals with
different feeding modes. The workgroup Blanke would like to strengthen its
team with a highly motivated applicant, ideally with a background in
evolutionary morphology, biomechanics and/or imaging and with a doctoral
degree either in the Biological Sciences, Engineering Sciences, or Computer
Being a scientific staff position, the applicant principally can develop
his own research initiative. Therefore, a particular emphasis will be
placed on the applicants’ own ideas during the application process and how
these can be studied (Ideally using a combination of both the applicants’
expertise and the expertise of the workgroup).
Applicants who are experts for other organisms besides insects should
consider to apply since our approach includes comparative aspects on
several taxonomic levels. We also welcome applications with a focus on
methodological development in the fields of e.g. evolutionary modelling,
geometric morphometrics, image analysis, biomechanics, or material testing
of biological samples.

The position includes a teaching obligation of four semester hours
(“Semesterwochenstunden”). Due to the teaching obligation, in particular
within the Bachelor degrees in Biology, successful applicants will learn
German up to the B2/C1 level within one year.

The position is paid according to the provisions of the collective
agreement for the public service of the Länder (TV-L) within pay group 13
(100% working time). Experience levels are taken into account. Initially,
the duration of the contract is 12 months. After a successful evaluation,
the duration of the contract can be extended for another 24 up to 60 months
depending on the WissZeitVG.

Apart from a full CV (Without photograph and without date of birth;
Including own publications and contact details of 2 referees), applications
should contain a letter of motivation detailing your previous research
experience and an outline of your research plans for this position (1-2
pages max.). Please also state up to three publications from other
workgroups which have considerably influenced your scientific thinking.
While detailing your future research, please take into account that you can
plan with a considerable research budget. Details will be communicated upon
request, inquiries can be made with Alexander Blanke (bla...@uni-bonn.de).

The application (as a single pdf file) should be sent to the secretary of
the IEZ (secret...@evolution.uni-bonn.de) with the reference number
1848-24. Applications which are sent to another email address will not be
considered. The deadline for application is March 31st 2024, the estimated
start date would be in May 2024. If no suitable candidate is found, the
position is open beyond these dates. We regret that the state of North
Rhine-Westphalia cannot cover application and travel costs.

Equal opportunities are important to us. The University of Bonn is
committed to diversity and equal opportunity. It is certified as a
family-friendly university and aims to increase the proportion of women
employed in areas where women are under-represented and to promote their
careers. To that end, it urges women with relevant qualifications to apply.
Applications will be handled in accordance with the
Landesgleichstellungsgesetz (State Equality Act). Applications from
suitable candidates with a certified disability or equivalent status are
particularly welcome.

We look forward to reading your application!

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