----- Forwarded message from Bill Sellers  -----

     Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 13:05:59 -0400
      From: Bill Sellers 
      Reply-To: Bill Sellers 
      Subject: Alternatives to Geomagic
      To: morphmet@morphometrics.org

Dear All,

I've been a big fan of Geomagic for reconstructing laser-scanned point clouds, 
fixing up isosurfaced CT scan meshes, and taking point measurements. It was 
quite expensive but just about affordable. However they've just implemented a 
big price hike so I think it might be time to see what else is around. I've 
used Meshlab which is good for some things but I find it crashes on big meshes 
and its interactive tools are limited. I've heard that RapidForm is even more 
expensive than Geomagic... What suggestions do people have for alternatives?


Dr. Bill Sellers                            Email: 
Programme Director of Zoology               Skype: wisellers
Faculty of Life Sciences                    Tel.   0161 2751719
The University of Manchester                Fax:   0161 2755082
D1239 Michael Smith Building                Mob:   0785 7655786
Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PT, UK        http://www.animalsimulation.org

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