----- Forwarded message from morphmet_modera...@morphometrics.org -----

Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2012 16:41:29 -0700
From: morphmet_modera...@morphometrics.org
Reply-To: morphmet_modera...@morphometrics.org
Subject: Update: Morpho R-package and new package Rvcg
To: morphmet@morphometrics.org

----- Forwarded message from Stefan Schlager -----

Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 10:19:45 -0400
From: Stefan Schlager
Reply-To: Stefan Schlager
Subject: Update: Morpho R-package and new package Rvcg
To: morphmet@morphometrics.org

Dear colleagues,

I found the time to release a new version (0.17) of my R-package called Morpho. As you will see there is a shift towards triangle mesh based operations.

Please note, that before installing Morpho, you need to install the following dependencies first:


Apart from bugfixes, the following new functions and changes are included:

meshDist              calculate and visualise distances between triangular surface meshes or between landmarks and a surface.
export.meshDist   writes coloured surfaces to file (PLY file format)
render.meshDist   visualise the results from meshDist using different parameters.
closemeshKD       find closest points of the vertices of a mesh or a matrix on an imported triangular surface mesh (without calling an external command line tool)
typprob:                calculate typicality probabilities
typprobClass:       use the latter to assign or reject group membership
rmUnrefVertex:     remove unreferenced vertices from a triangular mesh
rmVertex:              remove vertices from a mesh without distorting the triangles

find.outliers            allows to use mahalanobisdistance (if requested from a reduced space)

To gain full functionality, you need to install the command line tools from http://sourceforge.net/projects/morpho-rpackage/files/Auxiliaries/Binaries/

  • Ubuntu/Debian users: there is a ppa: ppa:zarquon42/ppa - the package is called trimesh-tools.
  • Windows: I added an installer for windows, that sets the system path correctly.


Currently; I am working on a new package called Rvcg:

it provides some functionalities of meshlab within R (on objects of class "mesh3d") by using the vcglib sources:

  • fast import of PLY files (ASCII and binary)
  • smoothing: Taubin, Laplacian, Laplacian+HC
  • mesh decimation (quadric edge collapse)
  • closest point search
  • calculate mesh resolution (mean edge length)
If you are interested, download the packages from:
Linux: https://sourceforge.net/projects/morpho-rpackage/files/Morpho_src/
Win/OSX: https://sourceforge.net/projects/morpho-rpackage/files/Morpho_Binaries/  ### the .tgz is for mac while the .zip file is for windows
  drop me a line or get the sources via GIT:

git clone git://morpho-rpackage.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/morpho-rpackage/Rvcg

and build it yourself.

Best regards
Stefan Schlager M.A.
Medizinische Fakultät der der Albert Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg
Hebelstr. 29
79104 Freiburg

Faculty of Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Hebelstr. 29
D- 79104 Freiburg

phone +49 (0)761 203-5522
fax +49 (0)761 203-6898

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