----- Forwarded message from Eric Wilberg  -----

     Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 12:55:00 -0400
      From: Eric Wilberg 
      Reply-To: Eric Wilberg 
      Subject: sliding semilandmark issue - tpselw
      To: morphmet@morphometrics.org

While recently running an anlaysis in tpsrelw including sliding 
semilandmarks, I noticed that the posterior-most one or two 
semilandmarks on a curve were sliding past the anchor landmark on some 
specimens. I thought the anchor points were supposed to be the 
boundaries of the curve, thus the semilandmarks shouldn't be able to 
slide past them. I went back and checked and these specimens were 
digitized properly. Is this likely a problem with my data set or am I 
misunderstanding what the anchor points are for?  Any help would be much 


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