
I want to alert your attention to a new article on-line at Evolution (Adams and 
Collyer 2015: doi:10.1111/evo.12596). In it we compare two approaches for 
performing phylogenetic regression of high-dimensional shape data (one based on 
PICs and another based on PGLS). We show that although the two methods produce 
the same test statistics, the permutation procedures commonly employed with the 
methods can produce largely divergent statistical results.  We demonstrate that 
randomization tests using PICs have unacceptably high type I error rates, and 
can lead to incorrect statistical and biological inferences. We then discuss 
the statistical reasons for this, explain why the permutation method 
implemented in the PGLS-based procedure leads to correct statistical and 
biological inferences, and explain how the permutation procedure for PICs can 
be adjusted to provide appropriate results.



Dr. Dean C. Adams
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
       Department of Statistics
Iowa State University<>
phone: 515-294-3834

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