Hi folks 
I would like to signal this contribution just published 

A New 4D Trajectory-Based Approach Unveils Abnormal LV Revolution Dynamics 
in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Andrea Madeo, Paolo Piras, Federica Re, Stefano Gabriele, Paola 
Nardinocchi, Luciano Teresi, Concetta Torromeo, Claudia Chialastri, Michele 
Schiariti, Geltrude Giura, Antonietta Evangelista, Tania Dominici, Valerio 
Varano, Elisabetta Zachara, Paolo Emilio Puddu
Research Article | published 13 Apr 2015 | PLOS ONE

Here we use a strategy named Parallel Transport in its simplest euclidean 
fashion in order to evaluate the pure deformation thus filtering out 
between groups differences in order to evaluate the process per-se.It was 
previously already preliminary applied in

4D-Analysis of Left Ventricular Heart Cycle Using Procrustes Motion Analysis
Paolo Piras, Antonietta Evangelista, Stefano Gabriele, Paola Nardinocchi, 
Luciano Teresi, Concetta Torromeo, Michele Schiariti, Valerio Varano, Paolo 
Emilio Puddu
Research Article | published 23 Jan 2014 | PLOS ONE

A fully Riemannian approach is in
Comparing shape trajectories of biological soft  tissues in the 
size-and-shapeā€¯- V. Varano, S. Gabriele, Luciano Teresi, I. Dryden, P.E. 
Puddu, C. Torromeo, Paolo Piras. In press. BIOMAT 2014 Congress Book. 

and in

Teresi, L,V. Varano, S. Gabriele, P. Piras, I. L. Dryden. Discovering 
deformation: a new method for studying shape change trajectories. World 
Congress on Biomechanics, Boston, USA, 2014

These approaches have relevant implications for studying allometric  change.

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