Hi Morphmetters, happy 2016!

I am pleased to announce the availability of two datasets (projects) on morphosource.org that may be of interest. There is no need to login to see these, just click on the PROJECT tab and go to either _Delson Primate scans_ or _Retrodeformation by algorithmic symmetrization (Delson)_

I (and colleagues) have been CT-scanning a variety of primate specimens, mainly skulls of extant cercopithecids but other taxa and elements as well. These are being posted to Morphosource for open access, no permission necessary, for use in research projects. The American Museum of Natural History Departments of Vertebrate Paleontology and Mammalogy support this access, so please download anything of interest. More specimens will be added as we prepare the files (including some surface files). There are a number of other primate CT datasets on Morphosource as well.

Of possibly more interest to this list is a smaller set of surface scans we used in a study of "retrodeforming" deformed specimens using a GM approach. As described in

Tallman, M., Amenta, A., Delson, E. Frost, S.R., Ghosh, D., Klukkert, Z.S., Morrow, A. Sawyer, G.J. 2014. Evaluation of a new method of fossil retrodeformation by symmetrization: crania of papionins (Primates, Cercopithecidae) as a test case. /PLoS One/. Vol. 9(7). PLoS, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100833,

we tested our algorithmic method by manually deforming partial plaster casts of a papionin cranium, so that we knew the original "correct" shape. I have now posted the surface scans of the original specimen (cast), the deformed versions and our retrodeformed results. We hope that colleagues will make use of these scans to test their own retrodeformation methods. We are continuing this project (see Tallman et al. abstract in Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 2015 Annual Meeting Program and abstracts, p. 222; available at http://pages.nycep.org/ed/publications/index.php; see also slides from the talk athttps://www.academia.edu/17002096/Adding_phylogenetic_trees_to_improve_virtual_retrodeformation_cercopithecidae_as_a_test_case_Podium_Presentation_SVP_2015_ <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.academia.edu_17002096_Adding-5Fphylogenetic-5Ftrees-5Fto-5Fimprove-5Fvirtual-5Fretrodeformation-5Fcercopithecidae-5Fas-5Fa-5Ftest-5Fcase-5FPodium-5FPresentation-5FSVP-5F2015-5F&d=AwMCaQ&c=uxRm7bTqKzXs8e5WpHvdhQ&r=QsvmrqJR0YtjwRsCcawJg9FfJ-6mHfFhAx1IUIyo7A8&m=uxh437M7wS80qJ7u7USt78algwNgbzsD2_yqLEyTDDI&s=b6HyaAz2fVDMwngIjGZV6aoFxBUhJk0Nmbt3hVMfxQM&e=>) and related approaches and will make additional data available as publications are completed.

Enjoy, Eric

Eric Delson

Professor of Anthropology, City University of New York

American Museum of Natural History and New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology (NYCEP)


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