Dear morphometricians,

I am doing my bachelor’s thesis on fish morphology. I am very new to R and I 
want to check if my codes are correct! By the package “Morpho” I ran CVA on my 
biometric data with 1000 permutation tests for Mahalanobis distance as follows:

## first create array from my data frame (=Resdata):
my.array <- array(Resdata, dim = length(Resdata))

##then running CVA:
cano <- CVA(dataarray = my.array, groups = OTU, weighting = FALSE, tolinv = 
1e-10, plot = TRUE, rounds = 1000, cv = TRUE, p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")

Are the codes correct? How can I see the results of Mahalanobis distances and 
p-values between my groups? 
In general is this better to use CVA or Discriminant Analysis to classify 
objects with a prior assumption? 

I would appreciate any help.

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