Hi All,

I'm new to this group and have a question about semilandmark placement in 
geomorph that I hope someone might be able to provide a bit insight on. I 
understand the basic concept of 'automating' semilandmark placement through the 
buildtemplate and digitsurface functions. However, after I construct a template 
for semilandmark placement (buildtemplate) and then use the digitsurface 
function to apply semilandmakrs on other specimens, they either clump together 
or are dispersed into space, i.e. not making contact with scan mesh surfaces. 

My PLY files are of Acheulean Handaxes, and are 'centered' at (0, 0, 0,) 
before-hand. They vary in size of course, but not dramatically.  

My instinct is that the landmarks I place to outline my specimens are not 
'homologous'? There are no designated (or agreed upon) landmark features on 
handaxes aside from maximal tip and base points. However, 2 landmarks doesn't 
seem to be enough points to disperse semilandmarks across scan surfaces.

Any insight would be a great help!    

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