Dear Andrea

For the "PC Scores From Other PCA" procedure, you need a dataset (which contains the items for which you want to compute the scores) and a PCA.

The dialog box has two drop-down menus, one for selecting the dataset and the other for selecting the PCA. When you select a dataset, the set of PCAs that is available in the secod drop-down menu changes: only those PCAs are shown that are consistent with the dataset in the number of landmarks, dimensionality, object symmetry etc. So PCAs do appear and disappear in the drop-down menu depending on what dataset you have selected.

Covariance matrices are only involved as far as a covariance matrix is necessary to run a PCA. The covariance matrices themselves do not appear in conection with the procedure.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

On 12/12/2016 12:18, andrea cardini wrote:
Today is my morphmet-day.

A question, this time, please.

Is there anyone with experience on the "PC Scores From Other PCA" in MorphoJ?

I am trying to project shape coordinates on a matrix I imported and attached to a dataset with mean shapes, but the attached dataset does not show up in the menu: I can see the parent dataset (before averaging) with the imported covariance matrix but, as soon as I select the mean shapes (despite being the data to which the covar. matrix is attached), the imported covar. matrix vanishes. That means that I can project the parent dataset (non-averaged) onto the vectors from the imported matrix but can't do it with the mean shapes (which is my aim).

I'll do it in NTSYSpc or R, but I'd be curious to understand what I am getting wrong in MorphoJ.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.



Christian Peter Klingenberg
School of Biological Sciences
University of Manchester
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