
The crucial thing about permutation tests is the specific hypothesis
they are supposed to test. Permutation is a very general technique for
simulating a wide range of null hypotheses that you can compare against
your data. Whether or not those make sense or whether or not they are
relevant to the particular biological question you are asking depends
critically on that question!

There are two broad classes of situations in which one will use
permutation tests.

a) Shape versus some outside variables. Examples are regression 
(permutation will randomly rematch the shape vectors and the covariates)
and various ANOVA designs (observations will be randomly reallocated to
treatments/groups by permutation). In all these cases, you probably
don't want to mess around with the covariance structure of shape itself,
so you will leave all shape variables of each specimen together and do
permutations with the whole vectors.

b) Matrix permutation procedures. Here the hypothesis is about the 
covariance structure of shape itself (e.g. similarity/dissimilarity).
Accordingly, you have to simulate a covariance structure appropriate to
your null hypothesis. So your units for permutation may be landmarks or
sets of landmarks or, although I can't see a biological situation where
that would make sense, perhaps individual coordinates. You then randomly
permute the sets of rows and columns of the covariance matrices that
correspond to those units.

Programming this in SAS/IML is actually quite easy once you have figured
out the permutation procedure appropriate for your experimental design
and question. It will probably be easier to write this from scratch for
your problem rather than to adapt someone else's code originally written
for a different problem.

Whether or not you use the original coordinates or derived variables
such as partial warp scores (and uniform components!) depends on the
problem again. For the analyses of group a), both approaches should
yield the same results (provided you use the full information). For
analyses of group b), you will normally use raw variables because that's
the way the hypotheses are phrased.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Christian Peter Klingenberg
School of Biological Sciences
University of Manchester
3.614 Stopford Building
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PT
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 161 2753899
Fax: +44 161 2753938
Web: http://www.sbs.man.ac.uk/chrisk
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For more information see http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/morph/morphmet.html.

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