Yikes, the actual description of Bookstein shape coordinate command
apparently did not make it into the help files or beta.txt, though a
reminder is given in the beta.txt file:

superimposition bookstein i j
super bookstein i j

This command is implemented for 2D data only, and scales, rotates, and
translates the data to bring point i to coordinate (0,0) and point j to
coordinate (booksteinScaling,0).

By default booksteinScaling is set to "unity", but can be set to "none",
which restores the configurations to their original individual scales,
if you should want to do that. You can see and set this value with:

list superimposition options

set superimposition booksteinScaling [unit/none]

Not sure how this is going to help with your reflection/missing landmark
problem, though. You could reflect a copy of a specimen and GPA it. The
grand mean from that operation would be a symmetricized average with
missing data filled in. However, simply reflecting an axis is not
enough, you must also reflect the labelling. You can do this with the
"swap" command as described in the beta.txt file. E.g.,

swap points 3 9 in object 2

leaving off the object does the swap in all specimens. That would make
working on a copy of the full data set easier, but the GPA method of
symmetrization/imputation would require interleaving and pairwise
grouping of the objects and their reflections in the data set to be used
for this.


Dennis E. Slice, Ph.D.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA 
Phone: 336-716-5384
Fax: 336-716-2870
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