I am a PhD student at the University of Adelaide. I am working on
morphological data of a common species of marine kelp that I collected
across Southern Australia (i.e. height, weight, surface area etc). I
also have 5 environmental variables (latitude, longitude, exposure,
depth and plant density) and I am wanting to do a canonical correlation
analysis (CCA) to examine the overall ability of the suite of recorded
environmental variables to explain the variation in morphological

I have attempted a CCA in numerous programs (Statistica, SYSTAT and
PC-ORD) but can not get all the information that I require from these
programs (see query below). Whilst I would like to try the analysis on
SPSS, this needs to be done on the MANOVA subprogram of SPSS. Firstly,
is there anyone familiar with this program  is it part of SPSS or do I
need to access this as a separate program?

Using the 3 programs mentioned above, I have been able to calculate the
correlation coefficients for the morphological and environmental
variables and yet can not calculate the variance explained (%) by each
canonical axis (i.e. the proportion of the pattern common to the two
data sets represented by each canonical axis).
    Secondly, whilst I can obtain the correlations between canonical
axes and morphological and environmental variables (i.e. canonical
factor loadings) as well as the variance explained by each axis (for
both the Morphological and Environmental data sets), I can not calculate
the cumulative variance of morphological characters explained by
canonical variates of environmental variables (%) (i.e. what the % of
the variation in the morphometric data set do the 5 environmental
variables (collectively) explain). Both of these outputs are the main
results I am after and I am unable to obtain them. Any advice on how to
calculate these results or programs that include these results in the
CCA output would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,


Meegan Fowler-Walker
PhD student
Southern Seas Ecology Laboratories
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Adelaide
South Australia 5005

Phone: +61 8 8303 6224
Fax: +61 8 8303 4364
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For more information see http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/morph/morphmet.html.

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