Massinissa Ahmim <massinissa.ahmim@...> writes:

> Dear all, 
> I'm trying to train a syntactic model english to german. I did the
> annotation on the target part using bitpar and ran :nohup
/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl --glue-grammar
--max-phrase-length 10 --extract-options="--MaxSpan 15"
--score-options="--GoodTuring" -root-dir /home/Massi/KIID_ENDE/syntax/
-corpus  /home/Massi/KIID_DEEN/kiid.10 -f en -e de -lm
0:5:/home/Massi/KIID_ENDE/LM/atelier/ -hierarchical
-target-syntax /home/Massi/KIID_DEEN/  -external-bin-dir
/root/external-bin-dir/ -mgiza -mgiza-cpus 30 >& training.out &the training
went very well but outputs empty ruletable, I double-checked my paths but
everything seems to be okay,Any ideas? Many thanks Massinissa

Hi Massinissa,

I cannot tell from here if your files are in the right format. As to your
training parameters, what springs to mind is that your extract options are
only suited for hierarchical models, not for syntactic ones. You can use the
option '-ghkm' to use the GHKM extractor, which has more sensible defaults
for string-to-tree systems. Alternatively, you should consider changing the
following extract-options:

--NonTermConsecSource (to allow consecutive non-terminal symbols on the
source side of a rule)
--MinHoleSource 1 (to allow nonterminals that only span 1 word)
--MinWords 0 (to allow non-lexical rules)
--MaxNonTerm SIZE (to allow SIZE nonterminals per rule (default 2))

The full list is here:

best wishes,

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