On 28/03/15 13:26, Abdelfetah Boumerdas wrote:
Hi Rico,
Thank you so much for your help, the deescape-special-chers.perl code did the job perfectly and removed all the sepcial xml chars. Now i have another question, i followed the moses manual and trained moses on the news commentary corpus and now i have the moses.ini file and before doing the tuning task i tried to test the trained system with a simple frensh sentence to transalte it to English, but to do that moses consumed all the memory i have which caused my laptop to stop responding (i have an Intel i7-4702MQ processor with 8GB RAM and enough space on disk). so can you please tell me what was the problem??? do i have to binarise the translation table ??? or is it normal for the system to consume that much memory???

Thanks again.
Hi Abdelfetah,

it's not uncommon for moses to use more than 8GB of RAM during decoding, depending on the size of your models. Here are some ways to reduce memory usage, but you might also want to consider using a computer with more memory: http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.Optimize#ntoc19

best wishes,

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