Dear Moses community,
My goal is to link Moses (the decoder) as a static library into some other shared library. As far as I understand the compiler/linker output of this other library, I need to compile the Moses library with parameter -fPIC (position independent code). Could you help me in achieving this?
I already tried to add "cxxflags=-fPIC" to the bjam command like this:
./bjam -j8 -d2 -a --with-boost="${PREFIX}" --with-xmlrpc-c="${PREFIX}" --with-cmph="${PREFIX}" --with-irstlm="${PREFIX}" --install-scripts="${PREFIX}"/scripts link=static cxxflags=-fPIC
However, the build process just seems to get stuck before it actually starts, see attached log.
Any help/comment is appreciated.

Attachment: build.log
Description: Binary data

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