[apologies for cross-posting]

Hello all!

I'd like to announce that we are organising a summer school in 
free/open-source rule-based machine translation in Alacant from the 11th 
to the 22nd of July, 2016.

The course will cover rule-based machine translation paradigms from 
direct translation to interlingua translation, the whole Vauquois 
pyramid! Practical work will be based on the following free/open-source 
systems: Apertium, GF, Matxin and TectoMT.

There will be travel grants available for students to participate. In 
order to qualify you should submit a proposal through the website.[1]

You will find further information, including a preliminary look at the 
exciting programme, here:


Important dates:

* 21st March, 2016: Deadline for bursary submissions
* 1st June, 2016: Registration deadline for participation

Any questions can be directed at myself, or one of the relevant mailing 

We will send another email when the final programme has been 

Best regards,

Francis Tyers

1. http://xixona.dlsi.ua.es/rbmt-summer-school/2016/

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