Hi Lane

Can you get a stack trace to see which line the message is coming from? That error message is repeated in a few files.

From looking at the code, I'd guess that the OutputFactorOrder is not being initialised correctly. Possibly due to the refactoring of the config code. Does your example work with an earlier version of Moses?

cheers - Barry

On 11/01/16 21:43, Lane Schwartz wrote:

I'm trying out mosesserver for the first time. I have a config file for fr-en that uses a smallish TM and LM, that work fine when run with Moses. When I try running the same config using mosesserver, and then use the sample Perl or Python code in contrib/server, mosesserver dies with the following error:

    Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
    config: moses.tuned.ini.2.probing.noLexRO
    cube-pruning-pop-limit: 400
    distortion-limit: 6
    feature: UnknownWordPenalty WordPenalty PhrasePenalty ProbingPT
    name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
    path=phrase-table.2.pruned100.probing/ input-factor=0
    output-factor=0 table-limit=20 Distortion KENLM lazyken=1 name=LM0
    factor=0 path=europarl.kenlm order=5
    input-factors: 0
    mapping: 0 T 0
    max-phrase-length: 20
    n-best-list: nbest.txt 111
    output-hypo-score: 1
    search-algorithm: 0
    threads: 1
    weight: Distortion0= 0.0222366 LM0= 0.0834208 WordPenalty0=
    -0.0654626 PhrasePenalty0= 0.0220686 TranslationModel0= 0.0520176
    0.0415173 0.124293 0.027126 UnknownWordPenalty0= 1

    FeatureFunction: UnknownWordPenalty0 start: 0 end: 0
    FeatureFunction: WordPenalty0 start: 1 end: 1
    FeatureFunction: PhrasePenalty0 start: 2 end: 2
    line=ProbingPT name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
    path=phrase-table.2.pruned100.probing/ input-factor=0
    output-factor=0 table-limit=20
    FeatureFunction: TranslationModel0 start: 3 end: 6
    FeatureFunction: Distortion0 start: 7 end: 7
    line=KENLM lazyken=1 name=LM0 factor=0 path=europarl.kenlm order=5
    FeatureFunction: LM0 start: 8 end: 8
    Loading UnknownWordPenalty0
    Loading WordPenalty0
    Loading PhrasePenalty0
    Loading Distortion0
    Loading LM0
    Loading TranslationModel0
    Initialized successfully!

    RUN SERVER at pid 1733327039
    [moses/server/Server.cpp:49] Listening on port 8080
    [moses/server/TranslationRequest.cpp:281] Input: il a souhaité que
    la présidence trace à nice le chemin pour l' avenir .
    Translating: il a souhaité que la présidence trace à nice le
    chemin pour l' avenir .

    Line 0: Collecting options took 0.038 seconds at moses/Manager.cpp
    Line 141
    Line 0: Search took 0.674 seconds
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::Exception'
      what():  No factor 1 at position 0

Any idea what's going on here? I'm using a basic single-factor model, so I don't get why it would be complaining about factors. I'm using the latest moses from git.


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