*Computer Speech andLanguage Special Issue on Deep Learning for Machine

Deep Learning has been successfully applied to many areas including Natural
Language Processing, Speech Recognition and Image Processing. Deep learning
techniques have surprised the entire community both academy and industry by
powerfully learning from data.

Recently, deep learning has been introduced to Machine Translation (MT). It
first started as a kind of feature which was integrated in standard phrase
or syntax-based statistical approaches. Deep learning has been shown useful
in translation and language modeling as well as in reordering, tuning and
rescoring. Additionally, deep learning has been applied to MT evaluation
and quality estimation.

But the biggest impact on MT appeared with the new paradigm proposal:
Neural MT, which has just recently (in the Workshop of Machine Translation
2015) outperformed state-of-the-art systems. This new approach uses an
autoencoder architecture to build a neural system that is capable of
translating. With the new approach, the new big MT challenges lie on how to
deal with large vocabularies, document translation and computational power
among others*.*

This hot topic is raising interest from the scientific community and as a
response there have been several related events (i.e. tutorial[1]
<#-1177276990_1928584617_684013530__ftn1> and winter school[2]
<#-1177276990_1928584617_684013530__ftn2>). Moreover, the number of
publications on this topic in top conferences such as ACL, NAACL, EMNLP has
dramatically increased in the last three years. This would be the first
special issue related to the topic. With this special issue, we pretend to
offer a compilation of works that give the reader a global vision of how
the deep learning techniques are applied to MT and what new challenges

This Special Issue expects high quality submissions on the following topics
(but not limited):

· Including deep learning knowledge in standard MT approaches (statistical,
rule-based, example-based...)

· Neural MT approaches

· MT hybrid techniques using deep learning

· Deep learning challenges in MT: vocabulary limitation, document
translation, computational power

· MT evaluation with deep learning techniques

· MT quality estimation with deep learning techniques

· Using deep learning in spoken language translation


Submission deadline: 30th March 2016

Notification of rejection/re-submission: 30th July 2016

Notification of final acceptance: 30th October 2016

Expected publication date: 30th January 2017


Marta R. Costa-jussà, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain.

Alexandre Allauzen, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.

Loïc Barrault, Université du Maine, France.

Kyunghyun Cho, New York University, USA. kyunghyun....@nyu.edu

Holger Schwenk, Facebook, USA. schw...@fb.com


[1] <#-1177276990_1928584617_684013530__ftnref1>

[2] <#-1177276990_1928584617_684013530__ftnref2>
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