I've been using it with and without tcmalloc with no problems, the part
where it crashes for is not multi-threading anyway. I guess it's the
intel compiler, no idea why though. 

W dniu 2016-02-04 16:37, Jeremy Gwinnup napisaƂ(a): 

> Uli,
> I sent the phrase-table to Marcin yesterday to test - He was able to binarize 
> the table successfully. Here, we've been compiling moses with the Intel 
> compiler. We built the same checkout with gcc and using processPhraseTableMin 
> from that build we were able to successfully binarize the phrase table.
> One thing I saw during testing these different configs was the intel-compiled 
> version would output tcmalloc debug messages, but the gcc-compiled one would 
> not. We're using tcmalloc-minimal for these builds. Should we be using the 
> full version?
> Running moses --version on both builds shows Boost 1.54, Xmlrpc-c 1.33.17 and 
> CMPH (version unknown) linked in. We compile static binaries on a RHEL 
> 6-based distro (Scientific Linux 6.7)
> -Jeremy
>> Message: 2 Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 15:03:02 +0000 From: Ulrich Germann 
>> <ulrich.germ...@gmail.com> Subject: Re: [Moses-support] Problem with 
>> processPhraseTableMin To: Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <junc...@amu.edu.pl> Cc: 
>> "moses-support@mit.edu" <moses-support@mit.edu> Message-ID: 
>> <cahqsruq_gtrcubkzwmzpvmkypormygse4sw-4rybs_jzml1...@mail.gmail.com> 
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" I've had processPhraseTableMin 
>> crash when the phrase table contains duplicate entries (can't remember if 
>> there was an unreasonable memory allocation involved). Is Marcin using the 
>> exact same phrase table? Can you check if the phrase table has duplicate 
>> entries? To crash or not to crash could also depend on OS and libraries 
>> used. You can get the versions of libraries compiled into moses with moses 
>> --version I've had duplicate entries in the phrase table after running 
>> ptable-sigtest-filter, which is Marcin's implementation of Johnson et al.'s 
>> significance filtering that I pulled in from his WIPO branch;
compile with --with-mm --with-mm-extras to get it compiled. - Uli
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