(apologies for cross-posting)

2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Translation Memories
(NLP4TM 2016)
http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/nlp4tm2016/ [1]

to be held at LREC 2016 (Portorož, Slovenia), May 28, 2016

Submission deadline: FEBRUARY 15, 2016 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)


Translation Memories (TM) are amongst the most used tools by
professional translators, if not the most used. The underlying idea of
TMs is that a translator should benefit as much as possible from
previous translations by being able to retrieve how a similar sentence
was translated before. Moreover, the usage of TMs aims at guaranteeing
that new translations follow the client's specified style and
terminology. Despite the fact that the core idea of these systems
relies on comparing segments (typically of sentence length) from the
document to be translated with segments from previous translations,
most of the existing TM systems hardly use any language processing for
this. Instead of addressing this issue, most of the work on translation
memories focused on improving the user experience by allowing
processing of a variety of document formats, intuitive user interfaces,

The term second generation translation memories has been around for
more than ten years and it promises translation memory software that
integrates linguistic processing in order to improve the translation
process. This linguistic processing can involve tasks such as matching
of subsentential chunks, edit distance operations between syntactic
trees, incorporation of semantic and discourse information in the
matching process. This workshop invites papers presenting second
generation translation memories and related initiatives.

Terminologies, glossaries and ontologies are also very useful for
translation memories, by facilitating the task of the translator and
ensuring a consistent translation. The field of Natural Language
Processing (NLP) has proposed numerous methods for terminology
extraction and ontology extraction. Researchers are encouraged to
submit papers to the workshop which show how these methods are being
successfully applied to Translation Memories. In addition, papers
discussing the integration of Machine Translation and Translation
Memories or studies about automatic building of translation memories
from corpora are also welcomed.


This workshop invites original papers which show how language
processing can help translation memories. Topics of interest include
but are not limited to:

- Improving matching and retrieval of segments by using morphological,
syntactic, semantic and discourse information
- Automatic extraction of terminologies and ontologies for translation
- Integration of named entity recognition and terminologies in matching
and retrieval
- Using natural language processing for automatic construction of
translation memories
- Extracting and aligning TM segments from a parallel or comparable
- Construction of translation memories using the Internet
- Corpus based studies about the usefulness of TM for specific domains
- Development of hybrid TM and MT translation systems
- Study of NLP techniques used by TM tools available in the market
- Automatic methods for TM cleaning and maintenance


The NLP4TM 2016 workshop proposes a shared task on cleaning translation
memories. Participants in this task will be required to take pairs of
source and target segments from translation memories and decide whether
they are right translations. For the first task three language pairs
have been prepared: EN-ES, EN-IT and EN-DE.

For more information about the shared task see:
http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/nlp4tm2016/shared-task/ [2]


We invite contributions of either long papers (8 pages + 2 references)
which present unpublished original research or short paper/demos of
systems which present work in progress or working systems (4 pages + 2
references). The submissions do not need to be anonymised.

All the papers will have to be submitted in PDF format via the START
system. More information about submission is available at 
http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/nlp4tm2016/submission-information/ [3]


As scientific work requires accurate citations of referenced work so as
to allow the community to understand the whole context and also
replicate the experiments conducted by other researchers, LREC 2016
endorses the need to uniquely Identify LRs through the use of the
International Standard Language Resource Number (ISLRN, www.islrn.org
a Persistent Unique Identifier to be assigned to each Language
Resource. The assignment of ISLRNs to LRs cited in LREC papers will be
offered at submission time.


Acceptance notification: 7th March 2016
Camera-ready versions: 31st March 2016
Workshop date: 28th May 2016


For the workshop

- Constantin Orasan, University of Wolverhampton, UK
- Carla Parra, Hermes, Spain
- Eduard Barbu, Translated, Italy
- Marcello Federico, FBK, Italy

For the shared task

- Eduard Barbu, Translated, Italy
- Carla Parra, Hermes, Spain
- Luca Mastrostefano, Translated, Italy
- Matteo Negri, FBK, Italy
- Marco Turchi, FBK, Italy
- Luisa Bentivogli, FBK, Italy
- Constantin Orasan, University of Wolverhampton, UK

The organisers can be contacted by sending an email to nlp4tm2016 <at>


- Juanjo Arevalillo, Hermes, Spain
- Yves Champollion, WordFast, France
- Gloria Corpas, University of Malaga, Spain
- Maud Ehrmann, EPFL, Switzerland
- Kevin Flanagan, Swansea University, UK
- Corina Forascu, University "Al. I. Cuza", Romania
- Gabriela Gonzalez, eTrad, Argentina
- Rohit Gupta, University of Wolverhampton, UK
- Manuel Herranz, Pangeanic, Spain
- Samuel Läubli, Autodesk, Switzerland
- Liangyou Li, DCU, Ireland
- Qun Liu, DCU, Ireland
- Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton, UK
- Aleksandros Poulis, Lionbridge, Sweden
- Gabor Proszeky, Morphologic, Hungary
- Uwe Reinke, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Michel Simard, NRC, Canada
- Mark Shuttleworth, UCL, UK
- Masao Utiyama, NICT, Japan
- Mihaela Vela, Saarland University, Germany
- Andy Way, DCU, Ireland
- Jörn Wübker, Lilt, USA
- Marcos Zampieri, Saarland University and DFKI, Germany



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www.hermestrans.com [6] 

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[1] http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/nlp4tm2016/
[2] http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/nlp4tm2016/shared-task/
[3] http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/nlp4tm2016/submission-information/
[4] http://www.islrn.org
[5] http://expert-itn.eu/
[6] http://www.hermestrans.com
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