Hello Madori,

the query command is specific to n-gram LMs in the ARPA format (or a compiled format of KenLM).

Here is how you can measure log probabilities with RDLM (or NPLM in general):

1. extract the n-grams (for NPLM) or syntactic n-grams (for RDLM) from the test set, with the same settings that you used for training. For RDLM, the relevant script is in mosesdecoder/scripts/training/rdlm/extract_syntactic_ngrams.py

2. use the testNeuralNetwork binary from NPLM:
nplm/src/testNeuralNetwork --test_file [your_extracted_ngrams] --model_file [your_model]

Note that with RDLM, there are two models, and you'll need to extract a test set for each (with the '--mode' argument): one for predicting words given a dependency label, one for predicting dependency labels.

best wishes,

On 07.07.2016 02:34, IKEDA Madori wrote:

I'm trying to evaluate fluentness of text based on RDLM,
and I think query command can do that like described in Moses manual Sec. 2.3.4.

The question is how can I use the query command with RDLM ?
RDLM is constructed and separated into two files (head / label mode) in Moses (in the manual Sec. 5.13.11).
I don't know how to assign the files to the query command.
Please anyone tell me the usage.

Now, I have both head and label mode files of RDLM
and text files containing sentences of which I want to evaluate fluentness.

Thank you.


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