The placeholder symbol must be aligned 1-to-1. This is enforced the the
extract program - any extracted rule which doesn't breaks this constraint
is discarded

Since PDBS doesn't use the extract program, I guess it causes the segfault

Hieu Hoang

On 8 July 2016 at 18:15, Prashant Mathur <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am trying to work with the PhraseDictionaryBitextSampling(PDBS) and I
> am running into a strange error.
> My partial config:
> *[feature]*
> *PhraseDictionaryBitextSampling name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
>  path=$workdir/model/phrase-table-mmsapt.1/ input-factor=0 output-factor=0
> L1=en L2=es*
> *[weight]*
> *TranslationModel0= 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2*
> The above one with default weight works (even thought the num-features=4
> and num of weights = 6). Then I optimize the weights with MIRA which works
> well. The following changes are made to the PDBS's weights:
> *TranslationModel0= 0.000243188868964612 0.00397991229152541
> -0.0357229544822343 0.111425061122397 -0.0183311421377486
> 0.0682370333070735*
> So, when I run moses on default weight on the following input it works
> fine:
> *feedback score is <ne translation="$num" entity="25">$num</ne> to <ne
> translation="$num" entity="50">$num</ne>*
> When I run moses with the tuned weights it fails with the following error.
> *Translating: feedback score is $num|25 to $num|50 Line 0: Initialize
> search took 0.001 seconds totalLine 0: Collecting options took 0.110
> seconds at moses/Manager.cpp Line 141Line 0: Search took 0.845
> secondsterminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::Exception'
> what():  moses/Manager.cpp:1810 in std::map<long unsigned int, const
> Moses::Factor*> Moses::Manager::GetPlaceholders(const Moses::Hypothesis&,
> Moses::FactorType) const threw util::Exception because `targetPos.size() !=
> 1'.Placeholder should be aligned to 1, and only 1, wordAborted*
> When I change the first weight of TranslationModel0 to a higher value
> there is no such error. As in I change the weights to
> *TranslationModel0= 0.2 0.00397991229152541 -0.0357229544822343
> 0.111425061122397 -0.0183311421377486 0.0682370333070735*
> 1. So, what is the first feature in PDBS?
> 2. Is this behaviour expected if the weight is low?
> 3. Can placeholders be used with PDBS?
> Any clues appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Prashant
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