(Apologies for multiple copies.)

===== MT Marathon 2016, September 12-17, Prague =====

* The registration for MT Marathon 2016 in Prague is open.
* Keynote speakers are invited.
* The programme of lectures and labs will have a pronounced
  focus on Neural MT.
  (Tentative version of the programme will be ready around
  the end of July the final one in August.)
* Your project proposals are being gathered.
* You have **last few days** to submit a tool paper.

This is our second call for:
   - Papers   - Projects   - Participation

The eleventh MT Marathon is again organized by the EU project CRACKER. 
This brings in the focus on quality in machine translation (QT Marathon),
which definitely forces us take neural MT seriously this year. We will do
our best.

Machine Translation Marathon is a week-long gathering of machine
translation researchers, developers, students and users. It features:

- MT Lectures and Labs covering the basics and tutorials.
- Invited talks from experienced researchers and practitioners.
- Technical Talks about open source tools.
- Hacking Projects to advance tools or research in one week.


  http://www.statmt.org/mtm16    (registration will open soon)

Important dates:
  July 19, 2016    Paper submission deadline
  August 5, 2016   Notification of acceptance
  August 13, 2016  Camera-ready paper due

This year, you or your colleagues might have already attended the US
edition of MT Marathon. If you missed it or wanted more, come and join us
in September in Europe. 

** Call for papers **

We invite developers of open source tools to present their work and
submit a paper of up to 10 pages that describes the underlying
methodology and includes instructions on how to download and use the

We are looking for stand-alone tools and extensions of existing tools,
such as the Moses open source system. Accepted papers will be 
presented during the MT Marathon and published in the 106th issue of
the Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics

** Call for project proposals **

As always, project topics will get finalized on the first day of the 
Marathon, but it was found useful in the past to announce and refine
project proposals earlier.

If you have an idea what you'd like to implement in a small team of 
fellow participants, or if you just want to peek at what is going to
be proposed, have a look or edit the live document linked from:


Ondrej Bojar (mailto:o...@cuni.cz / bo...@ufal.mff.cuni.cz)
Moses-support mailing list

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