Dear Sir/Mdm,

I am trying to use this Github library <> on
Google Colab to translate Traditional Chinese to English. However I am
facing some issues building Moses in the Colab environment.

This Github library needed Moses2 functionality, which meant that I had to
build cmph and xmlrpc myself. Thus, I downloaded the latest stable builds
of both these libraries from their official SourceForge sites, and built
them accordingly.

To build Moses, I executed this command:
bjam --with-cmph="/content/monoses/third-party/cmph-2.0.2"
--with-xmlrpc-c="/content/monoses/third-party/xmlrpc-c-1.51.06" -j4

However, I get 2 types of errors. The first one is collect2: error: ld
returned 1 exit status, which happens as a result of
undefined reference to `SSL_get_fd'

The second error is more frequent:
====== BEGIN OUTPUT ======
src/] Attempt to free invalid pointer 0x55959718c000
Aborted (core dumped)

====== END OUTPUT ======

If you would like to see how I built the other libraries, here is my Colab

Attached is the logfile.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,
Alistair Cheong

Attachment: build.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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