On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 06:10:58PM +0800, Thomas Buckley-Houston wrote:
> Thanks so much for the clarification.
> > UDP is connectionless
> That's the key here. So I have no choice but to use sticky IP-based
> routing. Round-robin DNS isn't an option I don't think, because I hope
> one day to be able to scale to thousands of servers.

A simple DNS round-robin may not scale, but CDNs use DNS to load
balance and geolocate traffic all the time.  DNS load balancing is not
as immediate as a middlebox, but you are going to be wrangling a
slow-moving load of long-lived user sessions, not HTTP connections.
If you do end up scaling to thousands of servers, you'll need to do
some DNS-based dynamic management anyway.

Since Mosh fundamentally needs to know the same destination for its
SSH and Mosh session, it doesn't mesh well with load balancers or
other technologies that obscure destination addresses.

Also, brow.sh doesn't work for me, without any DNSSEC involved-- it
looks like ns?.dnsimple.com are not returning authoritative answers
for brow.sh (though the IP addresses they give out does work).


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