Hello all, Such a beautiful sunny day here in the FM area that I thought I would play hookey head down to Rothsay WMA. Not much happening there at all! But, I spent about an hour scoping the large wetland about 2 miles west northwest of Barnseville. The wetland is loaded with various waterfowl. Higlights:
250+ Tundra Swans 200+ Greater White-fronted Geese 1 Red-necked Grebe 1 Bufflehead 6 Greater Scaup - nice to get side by side comparison with Lesser Scaup 4 Wood Ducks 20+ Redheads 50+ Canvasbacks 100+ Northern Pintails 4 Gadwall 10+ American Wigeon LOTS of Ring-necked Ducks 3 Great Blue Herons 2 Great Egrets 2 Herring Gulls I'll definitely keep an eye on this spot in the days to come. No snow geese! Also, no rough-legged hawks around Rothsay, but many northern harriers and a few red-tails. Good Birding! Pat Patrick Beauzay Department of Entomology 217 Hultz Hall, Bolley Drive North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58105 701-231-9491 patrick.beau...@ndsu.nodak.edu http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/entomology/ http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/ndsu/beauzay/tigerbeetles/index.htm http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/ndsu/beauzay/Mounting_Chalcidoidea/Chalcmount.htm