Active hawk nests, probably Red-tails, that I have noticed in my wanderings:

Coon Rapids: US 10 west of Hanson Blvd on north side.  Definitely occupied 
by hawk.
Brooklyn Park:  Hwy 610 heading west just past Hwy 252 interchange on 
   this nest is probably not visible except from highway.
Eden Prairie: I-494 north of Valley View on east side.  I am not certain it 
is occupied.

We had a visit from a Broad-winged hawk that hung out on the trees outside 
our windows, allowing great looks!

On Sunday I birded Murphy Hanrrehan for too short a time and then spent the 
rest of the day around Dakotat County. We found 90 species with only 12 
species of warblers, including FOY Blackpoll and Ovenbird (had great looks 
on road into Ritter Farm).  Other FOY:  Chimney Swift, Least Flycatcher, 
Eastern Kingbird, Swainson's Thrush, Savannah Sparrow, and Bobolink.  I was 
listening to a Meadowlark, trying to figure out why I couldn't decide if it 
was an eastern or western, when I suddenly realized that it was a Bobolink 
singing.  Most grassland habitats lacked grassland specialists, including 
Bobolinks.   On Monday I found Brewers Blackbirds at several locations in 
Dakota Co. including CR-42 near Schaar's Bluff and at the 180th St. Marsh. 
I found a Western Meadowlark and a Northern Harrier at the Randolf 
industrial park north of Randolf.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
sweston2 at 

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