About 1:00 PM today a small flock of Yellow-headed BB's (adult males,
females, and AHY indeterminate) were near the created ponds and vernal pools
around the new Hardwater Creek Library. This is approx. 1 mi. S of Forest
Lake just off Hwy 61, west side. 


A larger pond just to the west of library near Fenton Ave., just S of the
F.L. airfield (at Hwy 97 and Fenton) has held most species of migrating
waterfowl this spring (including pelicans 1-2 days in late April), and there
have been T.V.'s, eagles, Red-tailed Hawks, N. Harriers, kestrels, and good
flights of sparrows and warblers as well.



Holly Peirson

Columbus, Anoka Co.



PS: this new library has a nice section on birds in their non-fiction

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