Hey folks,
Just moved here a couple of weeks ago from western Virginia where I worked for 
the State Park system. I'm now with a small environmental education 
organization located in Jackson Co. If anyone would like to show me the 
neighborhood, so-to-speak, I'd be up for it. 
Rode out to Sandy Point Park yesterday evening and witnessed what seemed to be 
tens of thousands of White Pelicans. Also swarming were a multitude of both 
Barn and Tree Swallows and an Osprey passed over as well. Upon returning to my 
vehicle, waiting for me was a situation that I've never experienced in all my 
years of birding. A House Wren had ventured into the car through a cracked 
window. Had the appearance of a juvenile bird and more or less left things the 
way it found them, short of a small splash on the corner of a seat. I guess it 
was bound to happen sooner or later...
Eric Harrold
Lakefield, MN
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