I have finally finished uploading some gull photos from the last few weeks here 
in Duluth. All birds were photographed at Canal Park or the Superior Entry. To 
see the images, visit http://www.pbase.com/karlbardon. It has been an excellent 
season for gulls here in Duluth. My total estimate of individuals for the more 
species include the following:

Iceland Gull: two first-cycles and three adults (two of the adults positively 
identified only after analysis of wing pattern from photos- compared to 
Thayer's Gulls)
Thayer's Gull: at least nine adults (based on photographed differences in wing 
pattern, see photos), one fourth-cycle, two third-cycles, three second-cycles, 
and an estimate of 8-10 first-cycles.
Great Black-backed Gull: at least five, including four first-cycles and one 
fourth-cycle; three individuls were seen together several times, a record count 
for MN
Glaucous Gull: minimum of twelve first-cycle, three second-cyle, and two 
adults, with fifteen individuals seen at one time

Karl Bardon

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