Spent some time in Koochiching near Northome working on one of my houses and
decided to take my 10 year old daughter birding in the afternoon. This is
her list She compiled for the day.

1 Red Tailed Hawk
1 Rough Legged Hawk
5 Pine Grosbeaks
100s of Redpolls ( 1 Hoary)
45 Snow Bunting
60 Ravines
11 Crows
2 Magpies
21 Goldfinch
8 Purple Finch
1 Tree Sparrow
numerous Black capped Chickadee
17 Blue Jays
1 Red Crossbill 
2 Pileated
3 Downy
2 Hairy 
11 Red Breasted Nuthatch
3 White Breasted Nuthatch
1 Horned Lark
3 Rock Dove
3 Ruffed Grouse ( no Spruce)

Talking to the Locals they said Evening Grosbeaks are few and they haven't 
seen many Cedar or Bohemian Waxwings. Also, Pine Siskins have been in low
numbers..  As an addition Morrison County has more Dark Eyed Junco's 
showing up. There still are a lot of Redpolls and Horned Larks. The Barred
and Great Horned Owls are calling in more locations and the Cardinals are
more active along with the Woodpeckers knocking. Found more areas with
striped trees with recent flecking but didn't view any Black Backed
Woodpeckers. Eagles and Hawks are starting to show up in more abundance.

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