I spent most of this ridiculously windy (sustained 30 mph) afternoon birding Rock County and found several interesting birds.

Sand pit ponds north of Luverne:
-9 Ruddy Turnstones
-several Sanderlings
-1 Common, 1 Caspian, and many Black Terns

Blue Mounds State Park:
-Swainson's Hawk
-Yellow-throated Vireo
-Gray-cheeked and Swainson's Thrushes
-large flock of mostly Yellow and Yellow-rumped Warblers, but also contained single Bay-breasted and Blackpoll
-Upland Sandpiper

Downtown Luverne:
-Peregrine Falcon

Hills sewage ponds:
-125 Wilson's Phalaropes (!)

I also heard a towhee call near the campground at Blue Mounds SP; out here right now there's just as good a chance (if not better) of it being a Spotted rather than an Eastern. I'll investigate tomorrow morning...hopefully the wind dies down so that I can actually hear things.

Bob Dunlap, spending the night in Rock County

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