Participants on the Blue Earth, Brown, and Nicollet MOU trip this past weekend found a composite total of 151 species. Here are the highlights:

Saturday in Nicollet County
-Western Grebes on Swan Lake
-Black-crowned Night-Heron at Nicollet WMA
-Dunlins and White-rumped Sandpipers at Nicollet WMA
-Caspian Tern at Swan Lake
-Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos at Seven-Mile Creek County Park - excellent looks at Yellow-billed pair near the second bridge going west from the parking lot on trail 1 -Olive-sided, Yellow-bellied, and Alder Flycatchers (latter two singing) at Seven-Mile Creek
-Western Kingbird along CR 62 / 506th St.
-Veery and Wood Thrush at Seven-Mile Creek
-Connecticut Warbler at Seven-Mile Creek - EXCELLENT looks by all
-Mourning and Canada Warblers at Seven-Mile Creek
-Lark Sparrows at the gravel pits along 506th St.
-Dickcissel singing along CR 62 / 506th St.

Saturday in Blue Earth County
-Western Grebes on Perch Lake
-Peregrine Falcon flying over east side of Cobb River WPA
-American Golden-Plover, Hudsonian Godwits, White-rumped Sandpipers, and Dunlins at Cobb River WPA
-Franklin's Gull and Common Tern at Cobb River WPA

Sunday in Blue Earth County
-Kentucky, Mourning, and Blue-winged Warbler at Williams Nature Center

Sunday in Brown County
-Gray Partridge northwest of Sleepy Eye
-Eared Grebes at Sleepy Eye sewage ponds
-Sharp-shinned Hawk along CR 10
-Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings, White-rumped Sandpipers, Dunlins, Wilson's and Red-necked Phalaropes at Sleepy Eye sewage ponds
-Common Terns at Sleepy Eye sewage ponds
-Eurasian Collared-Doves in both Comfrey and New Ulm
-Wood Thrush along CR 10
-Cerulean, Mourning, and Canada Warblers along CR 10
-Scarlet Tanager along CR 10
-Henslow's Sparrow northeast of Comfrey

Some of the group also relocated two Prothonotary Warblers near the Traverse Des Sioux Treaty Center in St. Peter late Sunday afternoon.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

Bob Dunlap
Naturalist, Linnaeus Arboretum
Manager, Nobel Hall Greenhouse
Gustavus Adolphus College
800 West College Ave.
Saint Peter, MN 56082

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